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SEkretaris - Office administration

Menerima pesan telepon sederhana adalah sesuatu yang penting dan berguna dalam setiap bahasa. Di rumah atau di kantor, kita mungkin memerlukan keterampilan ini ketika kita menerima panggilan di telepon dan perlu menyampaikan pesan kepada orang lain. Kita akan membahasnya di bawah:

Ketika mengawali pembicaraan di telepon

- Hello, can I speak to [name], please?
- Good morning/afternoon. This is [your name]. I would like to speak to [name].

Ketika penelpon tidak bisa tersambung dengan orang yang ditelpon

- I would like to speak to [name] about ...
- Could you ask [name] to call me back at ... pm?
- Do you know when he/she will be back?

Ketika menerima Telepon

- Hello, [your name] speaking.
- Good morning/afternoon. [your name] speaking.
- Good morning/afternoon. This is [your company name and your name] speaking. May I help you?

Ketika orang yang ditelpon sedang tidak berada di tempat

- I'm sorry. He/she is not at home/in the office at the moment. ... [provide the reason here]. May I take a message?

- [Name] is not here, yet. Can I take a message?

- I'm sorry. He's in a meeting now. Would you like to leave a message?

- She's on a vacation leave now. May I take a message?

Ketika pesan yang disampaikan penelpon tidak jelas

- Could you speak more slowly, please?
- Could you repeat that, please?
- Could you spell that, please?

Jika telepon sedang sibuk:

- The line is busy

- Do you mind holding the line?

- Mr Wilson extension’s engaged.

- I’ll transfer you when the line’s free.

Menutup pembicaraan resmi/tidak resmi:

- Thank you for ringing

- Thank you for your call

- Thanks for phoning

Percakapan Sekretaris Di Telepon Bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris ...

Di bawah ini contoh dalam memulai percakapan bahasa Inggris.

Hello. Is this Taeyeon Kim? Halo. Apakah ini Taeyeon Kim?

Hello. This is Shinta Sihotang. Who's speaking please?  Halo. Ini dengan Shinta Sihotang. Siapa ini?

Will you hold the line for a moment? Bisakah anda menunggu sebentar?

I am sorry, but you called the wrong number. Maaf, tapi anda salah sambung.

What is your cellphone number, please?  Berapakah nomor HP anda?

Hello.  Halo.

Is Jung Jessica there?  Apakah Jung Jessica ada disana?

Thank you for calling  Terima kasih telah menelpon



Mr. Smith is calling to inform Mr. Clarke of something important.
Good morning, this is Happy Marketing. How may I be of assistance?
Mark Smith
I would like to speak with Mr. Clarke, please.
May I ask who's calling?
Mark Smith
This is Mr. Smith from the ACE Solutions company.
Mr. Smith, I'm afraid the line is engaged at the moment. Can I put you on hold?
Mark Smith
I'm afraid I have to go now, and I really needed to talk to him on an urgent matter...
Would you like to leave a message, then?
Mark Smith
That would be great. Please tell him that we revised the terms of the contract and that we sent the document 2 days ago through e-mail. He needs to check it as soon as possible and then get back to us. If he did not receive the e-mail, please tell him to call my secretary and she will re-send it.
Duly noted, Mr. Smith. Could you give me that phone number, please?
Mark Smith
Yes, it’s 043-865-4821.
Thank you very much, Mr. Smith. I will make sure Mr. Clarke gets your message as soon as possible.
Check your understanding:
Did Mr. Smith manage to talk to Mr. Clarke?
What did Mr. Smith decide to do?
What did Mr. Smith want to tell Mr. Clarke?

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